Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Work out tips

Work out tips while traveling: Pack your own snack for on the trip, eat a good meal before you hit the road, never super size and avoid fried foods, stay hydrated, don't eat just because of what time it is or because it is offered - eat only when you are hungry, get up and move every chance you get, beware of buffets, leave food on your plate.
Work out tips for hot weather: wear clothing that layers, shoes that fit, drink lots of water before, during and after workout, wear a hat and sun screen, work out early before the hottest part of the day.
Other tips: walking is the best exercise and it can be done any where and any time. turn on music while you work out, play a game with your children of kick ball or chase them around the yard, work out for 10 minutes three times a day instead of one 30 minute routine.
Exercise in front of the TV - sit in a chair and do leg lifts, ride an imaginary bike, lift imaginary weights, do arm circles, streatch and scrunch your face to work those muscles.

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