Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cheat once in a while

It's important when you are "dieting" to cheat once in a while. If not you get bored and totally blow your eating plan. So while sticking is important, every once in a while - when you have a craving you can't get rid of, or when your hubby wants to take you out - cheat.
Just adjust the rest of your day accordingly. Eat smaller portions your other meals. Add an extra 10 minutes to your work out. Take a stroll after dinner. But don't skip a meal, and don't deprive yourself.

Also, while I'm here. I want to remind you that chemical sweeteners are just that chemicals. They are not natural. And while we know that to much of anything is not good for us, our bodies were not made to digest chemicals. (Spenda has chlorine added in the process) Stick with natural sweeteners, just limit how much you use them. Honey and organic syrups are better for you and they contain natural antioxidants.

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