Monday, August 16, 2010


I've been reading in Job lately. Seems every time I read it I see more. More of me, unfortunately. I've seen for a while that the three friends give great advice, on in the wrong circumstances. When I discovered that I learned that sometimes my advice is just like that. Simple platitudes and meaningless fluff. "Time heals all." "It will get better." "Trust God." Yeah! Trust God, great advice but not always timely or given in the right circumstances.
This reading I have been seeing myself in Job for some reason. You know the "I don't know why God is doing this to me, I haven't been bad." and the "I'm not going to curse God no matter how unjust I feel he is right now."
I don't want to give you some platitude right now about how "I'm growing through this." Instead, I want to let you know, that I'll pray for you, but will you pray for me? Pray that all the fluff in my speaking will float away on the wind before I open my mouth. Pray that all my words will be God's words, words of wisdom, hope and love, even when we don't know the reason. It could just be that God is using us to prove a point to Satan.

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