Tuesday, August 31, 2010

weak vs strong

There is a Like page on Facebook for the phrase "You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." To me this is all wrong.
Paul teaches us in 2 Corinthians 12 that the only way to be strong is to rely on Christ. Over and over through out the Bible we learn of how God uses the weakest characters to do the most awesome tasks. Take Gideon for example: he who hid in the winepress, yet God used him and only 300 other men to totally destroy the enemy with a horn, a pitcher and a torch each. No weapons, just those three items. It is through out weakness that true strength can be displayed.
"you never know how strong you are until you relying on God is the only choice you have."
Can I get an Amen

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Super Christian 2

A super Christian finds self worth in what they have done
An abiding Christian finds their work in who they are in Christ.

A super Christian's peace is environmental.
An abiding Christian's peace can be found in the midst of any storm, it is Jesus. (Is. 26:3)

A super Christian is discouraged when they fail.
An abiding Christian uses failure to remind them that God's strength is reveiled in their weakness. (2 Cor. 12:9-10)

A super Christian expects perfection from everyone.
An abiding Christiand covers everyone with grace (including himself) (Eph. 4:32)

Stay tuned for more

Monday, August 23, 2010

Spiritual Spa Day

Yesterday, Darren was at work so I had no transportation. I know I could have called a half dozen people to give me a ride to church, but I decided not to. Instead I declare a spa day for me, a spiritual spa day that is.
I spent the day reading the word, praying, writing in my journals and study notebooks and listening to praise music. I throughly enjoyed spending the day just God and myself. Even the dogs played happily with out much notice from me.
I believe that we all need a day every once in a while that we spend alone with God. It had been a long time since I had a Spiritual spa day, but i guarentee it won't be such a long time before I do the next one. I feel revieved and ready for a week of glorifing the Lord.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Are you a super Chrisitan?

Well, are you? Now days we are asked to be Super at everything we do. I'm sorry but I can't be Super Mom nor can I be Super Christian. I quit trying long ago. But God doesn't call us to be super, he calls us to abide in him. That I can be "Abiding Christian."

A super Christian does.
An Abiding Christian is. John 15:4 Remain (abide) in me, and I will remain (abide) in you.

A Super Christian tries to impress others.
An Abiding Christian tries to please only the Lord. Eph. 5:10 and find out what please the Lord.

A Super Christian is controlled by an agenda. (schedules, lists, requirements)
An Abiding Christian is controlled by the Holy Spirit. Eph 5:18 Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

Want more differences, stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mary and Martha

Yesterday afternoon Darren pointed out to me that we had our very own Mary and Martha in the making. Angel was standing at the kitchen sink washing my gladware and looking out the window. Cadee was sitting on Papa's lap just enjoying being with him.
He thought it was cute until I pointed out that Cadee wasn't feeling good and needed cuddle time. and Angel was really just wanting to play in the water and bubbles.
But the picture they made got me to thinking: How often do I do for the Lord instead of spend time with the Lord. Every day I need to crawl up in His lap for a good cuddle.
The reason I thought this was sometimes I get so busy preparing for Bible study that I forget to just listen to what God is saying to me at that moment. How about you?

Monday, August 16, 2010


I've been reading in Job lately. Seems every time I read it I see more. More of me, unfortunately. I've seen for a while that the three friends give great advice, on in the wrong circumstances. When I discovered that I learned that sometimes my advice is just like that. Simple platitudes and meaningless fluff. "Time heals all." "It will get better." "Trust God." Yeah! Trust God, great advice but not always timely or given in the right circumstances.
This reading I have been seeing myself in Job for some reason. You know the "I don't know why God is doing this to me, I haven't been bad." and the "I'm not going to curse God no matter how unjust I feel he is right now."
I don't want to give you some platitude right now about how "I'm growing through this." Instead, I want to let you know, that I'll pray for you, but will you pray for me? Pray that all the fluff in my speaking will float away on the wind before I open my mouth. Pray that all my words will be God's words, words of wisdom, hope and love, even when we don't know the reason. It could just be that God is using us to prove a point to Satan.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to have victory over an enemy

What enemy are you battling today?
1. Ask God to come between you and that enemy
2. Ask God to open your eyes so you can see how he is working on your behalf.
3. Trust Jesus - He never fails.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Teach by example

Have you ever been told "do what I say not what I do."? It is usually said by an adult to a child. The best way to teach a child is by example. Paul told us to inmate him as he imitate Christ.
This morning I was sitting in my special sanctuary when Angel asked me what I was doing. I replied "I'm reading my Bible." She looked at me, grabbed her "bible" (which I keep near mine) and sat down next to me. She then looked up and told me "I must read."
We all need to be both people in this illustration. Both the 'teacher' who takes time out to be with God in front of who ever is around, and the 'student' who knows they must read in order to grow.

Monday, August 2, 2010


2000 years ago the cross was an instrument of death. When people saw a cross they saw no hope, only a final judgement. it is still a symbol of final judgement, but that judgement has come, and for me God in his mercy transformed the cross. It is now a symbol of victory and hope. It is the means by which we find joy. It is the means by which we find life. What will you do with the cross today?