Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Darren and I were gone over the weekend. We spent a day in Disneyland. And I mean we spent the whole day. We left the trailer at 8:15am and didn't get back until 11:50pm. Just a few years ago that would have been my whole day. I'm on vacation, that means I don't do anything, not even read my Bible. But of the past couple of years I've learned that God is with me, even when I am on vacation. And while I didn't spend as much time with him Saturday as I do here at home, I found time to talk with him that morning, and again that evening before I went to sleep. Amazingly, I didn't talk to any of my children or my granddaughters, but I made sure that I said both "good morning" and "good evening" to my creator. Not because I wanted anything from him, but because my days just don't feel right to me if they don't begin and end with God smiling on me.

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