Wednesday, July 7, 2010


What do you believe in enough to die for? I was asked once if I thought home schooling was worth spending time in jail for. My answer then, and now, is yes. But would I die for the right to home school my children? I'm not sure.
But there are somethings worth dying for. Our founding fathers believed that freedom was worth their lives. They would rather die free than live in tyranny.
Christ believed I was worth dying for. He would rather he die so that I could spend eternity with him.
I know that all of us would die for our children and grandchildren. But what principles are worth dying for? Would you die for Christ?
Before you answer that take a reality check. How can you say that you would die for Christ when you won't even risk your comfort, your job, your friends to speak his name in public. You won't die for a cause when you won't even place a small "token" of that cause on your desk.
You won't die for love when you never tell your coworkers who it is you love. So again I ask what/ who do you believe in enought to die for?

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