Monday, July 19, 2010


We have all heard the verse quoted and misquoted that God will give us the desires of our hearts. The verse, Psalm 37:4, actually says "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." That phrase "delight yourself in the Lord" makes a big difference.
Anyone who knows me well, knows that I have desired a small dog of my own for a very very long time. I've looked in the paper, and the internet, I've talked with friends, I've prayed, I bugged Darren - all to no avail.
Well last friday, i tried something new. I sat down with God. I talked with him and thanked him that he took away my last desire (to have another baby) and I asked him to please remove from me this desire because it was moving my focus off of him. Now when I got up from praying, I still wanted my own puppy, but I did have a peace that God would work in my life.
I chose that day to delight myself in the Lord.
Saturday, my daughter-in-love brought home to me a 14 week old male Havanese puppy.
God won't give you the "desire" of your heart unless your "desire" is to delight in Him. Today, Oscar (Darren's dog) Ka-choo aka Chewy (my puppy) and i are delighting in God who loves his children enough to even give them puppies to play with.

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