Monday, July 12, 2010


Everything we do has eteranl consequences. You've heard that before, do you agree?
My days are filled with preschoolers. They also contain dishes, laundry, mopping floors, veggietales, playtime, menus, blogging and facebook. How does any of that fit in to eternal consequences?

Okay, some of the things that fill my day are just plain chores that have to be done. On the surface they don't look important - but they make life livable and more peaceful (at least in my house.)
God is a God of order and not chaos. Order calms and creates peace. And we are called to live in peace. When I have to wash dishes before fixing a meal it causes tension, not just in me but in all those around me. How can my husband and I worship on a Sunday morning when he can't find a clean pair of briefs when he gets out of the shower? How can my children see the love of God when I spend more time reading romance novels than the Bible. Yes, some things it is easy to see eternal in - prayer, bible study, worship. But even in the mundain God is there.
Leap frog may be teaching the girls their letters and numbers, but veggietales is teaching them love and obedience. Blogging is my way of worshipping God and sharing with others.
Everything we do does have eteranl consequences, either for the good or for the bad. Stop and think about everything you choose to do today. How is it impacting those around you?

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