Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Letters of recommendation

When looking for a job, you put together your application, resume, and letters of recommendation. You want to put your best foot forward so you only ask for letters of recommendation from people you think will write good about you.
I've been asked to write a couple of recommendation letters for some of my former students. When asked I have been very careful in the choosing of my words. I have wanted to show off those students in the best possible light so they would shine and impress whoever would read the letters.

For Christ, your life is a recommendation letter. In fact, for some you are all they will see as a representation of Christ. Have you put any thought or prayer into the words your life writes? Would others be brought to Christ as saviour by looking at your life, or would they pick up another applicants package?
Pray today that you would be like Paul in that "For to me, to live is Christ and to
die is gain." (Phil 1;21)

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