Friday, June 11, 2010

In Jesus' Name

Pay off the morgage, find a publisher for my manuscripts, find husbands for Stacy and Shawna, and I could keep going and going and going. after all Jesus did say in John 14:14 "You may ask for anything in my name, and I will do it."
So why aren't my prayers answered? Jesus said he would do it. And I always end my prayer with "in Jesus name."
Asking in Jesus' name isn't a magic tagline. I can just hear Jesus iin the garden now. "take this cup away, in my name, Amen." NOT
Praying in Jesus name really means to pray according to Jesus' desire. And his desire was and is to bring glory to the Father.
"Father, I desire that you miraculously heal Bryan but more than that i desire your will and your glory through his life. So if his continued diabetes is what brings you glory - then glory on." "Father, I desire to fiind a publisher for my manuscripts, but more than that I desire your will and your glory through my writing. So If I never get published i will continue to write for your will and your glory."
Now those are prayers In Jesus' Name. Praying for God's glory to prevail.

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