Sunday, October 24, 2010

being judged

A friend this week was told not to let her family judge her 'christianity' that it was between her and God alone.
I don't believe this.
Every week we go to church on Sunday and sing songs asking God to take over our lives. We tell him I surrender all, except .....
Well, I'm sorry to remind you but people, your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers are judging you. And they should be. What they are judging is what you really believe. Do you have a Sunday religion? Or are you living a daily relationship?
We are their Bible. It is not what we say we believe, but what we live that will bring those people to an acknowledgement of Christ in their own lives.
So before you go out today remember that everyone who sees you will be judging you. So judge yourself first. Are you a living example of the gospel?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Need help

HEy folks, I am working on a chapter in my book For Jen. It's on prayer. So I have three simple questions I would like you to answer for me.
1. Why pray?
2. What should I pray for?
3. What should I not pray for?

Thanks for the help. I look forward to seeing your answers.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to begin prayer

Oh, Lord my God. When I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds thy hands have made. I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, thy power through out the universe displayed. Then sings my soul my saviour God to thee. How great thou art. How great thou art. Then sings my soul my saviour God to thee. How great thou art. How Great THOU ART.

poem by carl gustaw boberg

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What if God loved like humans?

I have talked with many women who have heard from their husbands "I don't think I love you anymore." What don't they know? What do they think love is? Do they believe it's all hearts and flowers? What if God thought that way? Would John 3:16 read "God felt fireworks and warm fuzzies for the world so he gave his son and whoever feels tingles and giggles won't perish but live with him forever."
I don't think so. Love is not an emotion of chemistry, it's not a feeling that comes and goes. Love is a choice we make to put the other persons happiness and well-being before our own.
So, I ask you today "who do you love?" Who's well-being is more important than your own, who will you take a back seat to? Your spouse, your children, your parents? What about showing God how much you love him by loving the neighbor next door who is going to hell?
Love it's a choice, it's a fruit that all believers should have in abundance if they are healthy.
So my advice to those women---fall in love with someone who knows what real love is all about, fall deeply in love with Jehovah.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Loving God????

How can a loving God allow pain and hurt? You've heard this question in one form or another if you have been a Christian long. And we who know the Lord know that pain and hurt entered the world through Adam, not God.
But this morning I want to remind you that all that pain and hurt, all the illness and heartache, the suffering that is happening world wide doesn't just affect us. It all hurts God also. Jeremiah in his lament for the people of Judah expressed for us God's words "Since my people are crushed, I am crushed; I mourn, and horror grips me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?" (Jer 8:21-22)
God sees the hurts and sorrows here on the earth, and he also watches in horror and mourns. He is not mourning over the ouchie, He is mourning over the knowledge that such pain brings eternal death for many. You see, he didn't design a fallen world for Adam and Eve to live in--He placed them in paradise, they chose for themselves and all their future generations when they chose not to listen to the Word of God.
God has been mourning ever since. But he has called us like Jeremiah to be faithful and to call all to repentance. There is hope: the blood of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What would you choose?

It is Wednesday afternoon, almost 1 o'clock. So far today I have cleaned two bathrooms, one front room, one bedroom and half a kitchen. I have fed one child breakfast, and another one lunch. I am wiped out and still not done. But I have a few moments to myself and I must choose - do I spend time in Bible study with the Lord or do I eat my first meal of the day? I know what I chose. What would you choose?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Darren and I were gone over the weekend. We spent a day in Disneyland. And I mean we spent the whole day. We left the trailer at 8:15am and didn't get back until 11:50pm. Just a few years ago that would have been my whole day. I'm on vacation, that means I don't do anything, not even read my Bible. But of the past couple of years I've learned that God is with me, even when I am on vacation. And while I didn't spend as much time with him Saturday as I do here at home, I found time to talk with him that morning, and again that evening before I went to sleep. Amazingly, I didn't talk to any of my children or my granddaughters, but I made sure that I said both "good morning" and "good evening" to my creator. Not because I wanted anything from him, but because my days just don't feel right to me if they don't begin and end with God smiling on me.